Thursday, September 12, 2013

Some things..

In this particular post, I'm going to talk a bit about my upcoming novel "What Remains", and how it came into form.
I started writing this in December, when all of the talk about the 2012 Mayan Doomsday junk was hovering around. I don't want to necessarily say that I believed it, but it did give me something to think about, and that something was zombies. Let me just say this--I am terrified of them. I cannot watch a zombie movie, even now. From October to December of last year, I had this unhealthy obsession with zombies and solely being afraid of them. They constantly circulated in my dreams, to the point where I was afraid to even sleep. I know, that's super drastic, but guys, I was really scared.
It got to where I'd had enough, and I was tired of nursing this silly fear of zombies. I decided that I would try to face my fear one step at a time, and hopefully doing so would help me overcome it.
I began grabbing zombie reads offline, starting with the ones that seemed like I could get through, and gradually advancing to the ones that made me cringe a little, but were still readable. Let me just say here that I haven't read a slew of zombie horror novels because some are still a little too freaky for my chicken-hawk-self. Strangely, I came to find that I actually liked the genre more than I'd ever anticipated. It wasn't the disgusting talks of decay or gore that drew my interest, but the survivor stories.
The authors that I read had such a vivid imagination and strong gift for storytelling, that I could really feel their characters fear. I could imagine being in a situation where all of a sudden my world was turned upside down, and I suddenly had to commit acts of violence and make drastic decisions that could change who I was as a person. As an author, you could do so much with a scenario like that, and I believed this so much that I wanted to try my hand at it.
So that's how I began writing What Remains. It was such an interesting story to write, because I really had to step outside of my comfort zone and delve into the gore and terror that I've always tried to avoid. Between the writing, reading, and researching, I can almost say that I've overcome my fear of zombies. I still can't watch a zombie flick, lol, but I'm hoping to get to that point really soon.

Double Cover Reveal for Madison Daniel!!

I could not be more excited and honored to be apart of the cover reveals for my big bro's upcoming novels! Take a look:

Seasons in Ash: Prequel & Aftershock book three
Author: Madison Daniel
Release date: Coming Soon!!

Here is the blurb for Seasons in Ash. Enjoy!
All fires have a beginning.
Seasons In Ash, the emotional prequel to the best selling YA/PARANORMAL Ember Series, will give you a glimpse into the lives and past of the main characters in the series.
THE FIRE-STARTER: Meet Max Valentine’s first love, and the heartbreaking consequences that shape his teenage years. Young hearts beat fast.
THE RAINMAKER: Witness one of the worst days in Asia Michaels past. A very public and messy unveiling of her emotional storms. Beware her wrath.
THE GIRL NEXT DOOR: A day in the life of Samantha Summers. Experience the bittersweet events that lead to her foreboding future. Can she prepare herself for the most challenging of adventures? A new love...
A short novella from the mind and soul of Madison Daniel. Music and words collide in the beginning of the Ember Series.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

So, about the hiatus...


Honestly its a little weird, and I'll need to get back into the swing of things. Before I continue, let me just note that this post will be a little cryptic for the sake of keeping my privacy. This post is mostly for the people that knew me when I was published, and are a little confused with all of the changes that I'm making.
I wanted to write this post to address the fact that I've basically been M.I.A for months now. I mean, I've been here for the sake of trying to stay connected with my author friends, but I haven't put any work out, and I'm sure some of you are wondering why.
There isn't really must of a reason, and all I can blame it on is the amount of procrastination I put myself through all the time. Since I left the company that I was with last year, it's been a constant battle of whether to re-publish or not. First, I was completely set on putting my book back out there. I battled with the decision of whether to self-pub or to try and find another house. In the end, I chose to self publish, but things kept getting in the way.
Months passed, and I felt like I was at a standstill while everyone around me progressed and moved forward. It sucked, and for a few months, I really wondered if being an author was the path that I wanted to travel. I wrote/write a lot, but I kept trying to figure out if it was just a hobby, or something that I wanted to make a career of. That was a tough choice, and to be honest, it's still something that I think about from time to time. But I've decided on this, because I can't stay away from writing. My characters call out to me, and I can't even go a few days without writing or thinking about my next steps. I've always enjoyed telling stories, so I'm deciding to stick with it.

For those of you that remember my first book (again, this is me being cryptic) and are wondering what's happening with the sequel, the answer is that I don't know yet. As I write more, I learn more and get better at my craft. That was my very first work and attempt at writing a book. While I'm proud that I finished it, I'm not sure if that's my best work. I've contemplated scraping it altogether and re-writing, and the second book has been done for a long time now. But at the moment, my hearts just not into it. Maybe it will be in the future, because I love those characters so much, as well as the concept.

Now, about the alias. There were quite a few things that led to me wanting to use one, but I'll keep it simple. Mainly, I wanted the separation, not only to keep my personal life private, but also to move away from the author that I was. I want people to find new things as they come across me, and I want the freedom to branch out in my writing without having to do it as my "self". Also, I think that now is as good a time as any. I hadn't even really established myself as an author before I went M.I.A, so I figure that since I'm coming back out and trying reinventing myself, I should just start completely fresh, doing what I feel is best.

Anyway, those are the two topics that I wanted to quickly explain. I have lots more to talk about, involving my upcoming novel "What Remains", but I'll save that for the next post :)